Thursday, August 9, 2012

I'm still here!

Gah, get a little busy at work, and my attempt at blogging gets thrown on the back burner! I'm back though, and ready to share some recent furniture make-overs.

First up is a rather unique re-do for me. I think it was intended as a shelf, but as you can see this piece clearly resembles a fireplace, so that's what I went with.

 My husband helped me cut a piece of plywood for the back and I decided to paint it with chalkboard paint.

I figured you could draw some books or other fun pictures. It would even be cute to add a little pet bed.

(this piece is SOLD - thank you!)

I also refinished a rather unique coffee table. I was drawn to it's different shape and it happens to be 5' long which I think is fun.


And here it is after a few coats of off white paint and some light distressing.

after (don't you love my little fairy in the background?)
Available at the flea for $120

While we're (kind of) on the topic of "my little fairy" I thought I'd share some pictures of her and I from the "World's longest Yard Sale."

We met so many nice people and practically all of them gave something to my daughter for free. Starting with her John Deer hat from an old drunk. Haha, seriously he was drinking at 10am. Hey, to each their own right?

At one stop, some homeowners were selling hot dogs, drinks and home-made ice cream.
What. a. life. saver.
 Someone was in a terrible mood by late afternoon and that ice cream really lifted her spirits (and mine!)

Thanks to my sister in law for letting us borrow her my nephews wagon! So helpful!!
I also need to thank my co-worker and friend Claire who was brave enough to come along with us. She was so patient and helpful while yard sale-ing with a 3 year old - Thanks Claire!

We had a lot of fun, though we actually didn't get as much stuff as I expected. Not that there weren't things I liked, the prices just weren't all "yard sale" prices in my opinion (IE "I can find it cheaper some where else")

I'm working on two, rather big, client projects, as well as taking on a second half space (temporarily) at "The Flea" so hopefully I don't go MIA for another month :)
