Friday, December 28, 2012

China Cabinet turned Hutch

I bought this 1940's china cabinet last week at a great price, because as you can see there is no glass in the left door and no bottom right door all together.
It didn't take me long to come up with a solution to it's problems though.
yes, that's my shadow taking a phone pic, better than nothing, sorry!
 If the only problem was the missing glass, I would have kept the doors and either replaced the glass or put chicken wire or fabric in them.

 But the challenge was the missing bottom door.

 I couldn't make a new one because it is a rounded door (and I have no idea how to do that.)
So I had to remove the existing one and cover it some other way -
fabric seemed to be the only logical option.

I've seen so many "no sew" tutorials before, I figured I could do that.
((I have never tried to learn to use a sewing machine, and still don't really want to))

Then I came up with something even better than "no sew" - my friend Christen from "struttin your buttons"! For a steal, she made the skirt for me :)
By adding the fabric, it really lost the china cabinet feel, which is why I went with the open shelves on top.

Here is the Result:

 Now it is perfect for a Kitchen, or an informal Dining Room.

It's headed to the Flea tomorrow (Saturday)

Hope everyone has a good weekend
(and spend your Christmas money on some new furniture from a small business, ok? thanks.)
linking to:


  1. I love it! I really need something like this in my kitchen. I'll have to be on the look-out for one. Thanks for the follow.

  2. It turned out beautifully! It should sell fast!

  3. That is a pretty transformation!

  4. Great redo. It's beautiful. I have a link party called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop and would love to have you share this and any other posts with everyone. It runs from Wednesday through midnight Sunday. Here is the link to the party.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  5. Normally I don't like curtains on furniture, but yours look really cute and really suit the piece. Great job!

    1. I know what you mean, I was a little surprised to find myself doing it, but it worked!

  6. Great update! I looks really nice. Plus now you have a door and glass door to do something else with.

    1. I thought the same thing! (great minds..) just not sure what to do with the bottom, solid wood, curved, door.. any ideas?

  7. I popped over from MMM today to check out your site. LOVE how you solved the "no door" dilemma. Not sure I would have even thought of that.....VERY creative!

    Small House / Big Sky Donna @ Small House Under a Big Sky & White Oak Studio Designs
    Hand-Painted Vintage Furniture Transformations
