Thursday, May 23, 2013

Gallery Wall

So here's my version. But despite how it may look, it was not done without thought or personalization.

First I gathered inspiration.


caitlin wilson
Decorate -
Then I shopped my house.

With my gathered goods, I created a layout on the floor. I arranged, and re-arranged, added and removed until I came up with a layout that I liked.
I then snapped a shot of it with my cellphone to refer back to it.

The yellow clock, blue print picture and white frame were all hanging in my Living Room already, just in different places. 

The clock is from Hobby Lobby on clearance a few months ago. The blue print picture and frame are from thrift stores - I just sprayed the frame white.
The Monet print was given to me with someones yard sale left overs.

This shadow box I put together right after I had my daughter. It is the onesie/pajamas she wore in the hospital with the card the nurse filled out and her wrist band. So special to me.

This little canvas I found at Good Will and the quote couldn't get any more motivational for me.
"Be determined. Achieve. Live the life you imagined."

Paper silhouette I made of, who else? my daughter. In a painted Good Will frame of course.

 Sketch of a gross naked guy Figure Study I did in Drawing II circa 2005
Frame is from.. wait for it... Good Will.

 So there you have it. Most of these pieces have a personal story to them and since it is my home, that's what's important to me.


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  1. I love a good gallery wall, especially one that has so many special personal touches like yours. I have my boys littlest baby outfits in shadow boxes hanging in our laundry room - so glad to have a special place to save them and be reminded of that everyday. That is one 'art' piece I don't know if I will ever change!

    1. Thanks Krista! I actually just checked out your laundry room and it looks awesome! The frame hanging on the door is a great idea :)

  2. Beautiful gallery wall! And I love that you shopped your house for lots of it! I am all about shopping my house for decor items! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof
