Thursday, September 19, 2013

From Crap to Cute

I must say, I'm proud of myself for taking so many "before" pictures of all my recent projects. 
It does make it easier though, when I get a group of items at once.

Look at all that broken junk. Does it make you excited just thinking about the possibilities of it all? No?
 How about if it were all FREE broken junk? 
Still not so much, huh?

Well, what if this emerged from the pile...

Now you see a little of what was happening in my head when I was given all that junk.

For one, broken easel = fun coat/accesories rack

I used hooks I had on hand. The colored ones are from world market.

I can see scarves or necklaces hanging from here.

I painted the whole thing light blue and distressed it.

Side by Side..

So before tossing whatever broken junk is in your garage (or already next to someone's garbage can) try to think of another use for it!

Re-Purpose. Recycle. Re-Use.

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