Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday, Sun Down

Me enjoying a day at Haven Spa, Rhinebeck, NY.
(A birthday girl from a great friend)
Part of my ReFound Vintage mission is to focus on health and wellness. I am no expert in the field, however I have spent much of my down time exploring and researching numerous ways to focus and relax. As a single mom of a very energetic one year old, relaxing is last on my to-do list. From a mindfulness perspective, this is no good!

If you often find yourself caught between picking up stray cheerios in between couch cushions and pulling your head out of the washing machine every day, it's time to face the facts. Life will stop for no one...therefore, we must make it a point to take control. We don't have a relax button and no one has the power to take control other than you.

In recent years, I have discovered yoga, pilates, zen, health food stores, Nutella, crafts and the power of a good book. Some of these activities may interest you, some may not. That is ok! These are my personal go-to's for unwinding and relaxing my mind and body. This post is meant to encourage you to explore and find your own way to relax.

You may be saying "I don't need to relax," or "I don't have time for this nonsense." But the fact of the matter is, you must have an open mind and be an advocate for your own well being.

Here are some of my suggestions. Remember, have an open mind because you never know what may work until you give it a try.

1. Yoga (a classic, sure way to focus the mind and just be!)


2. Pilates (my absolute FAVORITE...relax and build a 6pack at the same time. I recommend Body Be Well in Red Hook, NY

3. Zen (I purchased a mini Zen garden from for $14.99)

4. Explore your local health food store. The relaxing possibilities are endless.

5. Nutella (simply amazing)

6. Crafts. I have always been a creative person, but never found one particular activity that I am set on. I enjoy trying different things. For a while I enjoyed making homemade cards and gift tags, then I experimented with calligraphy, then made homemade dreamcatchers and lately, I tried painting canvas. I never thought I could paint but I gave it a try and it felt great!

My first canvas painting, Fall Foliage
7. Read. Read anything! Find something you enjoy and read it! Always carry it with you because you never know when you'll have a free moment to relax and get lost.

My current read, easy and enjoyable

8. Embrace the power of sunshine. It's a proven fact...Vitamin D is a powerful pick me up. Now, I know we are searching for ways to relax, but sometimes feeling happy is the best way to relax. Go for a walk, sit on your porch, lay on a towel in your lawn, look at a picture of the sun (if you live in Alaska) and just appreciate the warmth and brightness.

Enjoying the late August sunshine with Cameron

Now go out there and explore! It's never too late to learn something new about yourself. 

I would love to hear about your adventures of relaxing. Leave a little note on here!

Check back later this week on how to feel good about yourself when your world is in complete chaos!

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