Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Quick and FREE Fireplace Upgrade

I'm always so envious of people who find cool things on the side of the road or by a dumpster, because I never have. My brother's girlfriend on the other hand is one of those people.
Luckily, this time she shared her random free find with me.
You guessed it, it was this iron fireplace screen.
 It's not just poor lighting, the screen got lost in front of the fireplace because it's all so dark. 
Nothing a little paint can't fix.

I loved the light pink I painted my IKEA tray so much, that I used the same mixture for the screen.

 I mostly dry brushed it on, since it is an iron fireplace screen, I thought it shouldn't look too perfectly and newly painted.

Both the fireplace and the screen look so much better.. and all for FREE!
I'm still determined to find my own cool free, home decor, something vintage.. anything really!


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