Thursday, August 15, 2013

Q&A with... Kim

I'm sure you're all more than ready to meet Shannon but I'm going to keep the suspense going a little longer and be the first to take the "official" middle-school-style Q&A.

Shannon and I in our friend's Wedding (October 31, 2009)

Name: Kim(berly)

Birthday: March 7

Born In: New York

Hudson River

Currently Live: Georgia

Significant Other: Single

Kids: 1 - Daughter 4yrs

Pets: 2 Dogs - Kingston (boxer 1yr) Lola (mutt 7yrs)

Favorite Color(s): Cool colors - blue, turquoise, aqua, green, white

dresser I painted last month (SOLD)

Favorite Drink: Coffee Addict. I also love a cold beer :)

My sister pointed out I always have a coffee in my hand (2009)

Favorite Food: Sushi, Grilled Chicken, Trail Mix (sounds so boring, but it's what I eat!)

 Favorite Way to Exercise: Just being active outdoors! Take my dogs for long walks (and loading furniture on a daily basis certainly helps)

Favorite Season: I LOVE Fall.. I really miss NY in the Fall


Easy Fall Outfit (2010)

Favorite Holiday: Christmas, hands down.

Favorite Movie and/or TV Show: The Office, Mad Men, You've Got Mail, Breakfast at Tiffani's and Design Star

mad men
Latest Read: Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris

Guilty Pleasure: Watching the Real Housewives of Orange County.
And New Jersey.
And sometimes Miami.
Also frozen Reese's. So good.

Favorite Place(s) to Shop: Good Will, Anthropologie, Target, World Market, Home Goods


Design Style: Modern Vintage.. maybe eclectic.. there's no one category,  I like what I like :)

Nashville 2011

Ok, so I threw some relevant questions in there at the end..
Come back tomorrow to meet Shannon!

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