Sunday, August 11, 2013

Times, they are a Changin' ((Big News))

Hello Friends! I'm going to cut right to the chase here - In order to make this blog as well-rounded, informative, entertaining and inspirational as possible, I have recruited my best friend, Shannon,  to join me. (because let's face it, two is usually better than one)

So what does that mean exactly? 

The majority of the blog will still pertain to furniture and home decor. But there will be more, including; beauty, fashion and tips on living a healthy life style.

You see, Shannon and I share the same love for all these things. But we also have a good bit of differences that will bring different perspectives on the topics.

She will bring the Northern (NY) point of view, while I have a Southern (GA) influence. When it comes to fashion Shannon can give advice for petite women while my pants are labeled "tall."
While most of you know I'm the mom to a 4yr old girl, Shannon is the mom to a 1yr old boy.
You get the point, I'm sure.

We will be introducing our selves (an official introduction for me, the first for her) and then getting right down to business.
We also thought it would be fun to "introduce" ourselves the way we would have when we first met 15 years ago, in middle school.
What's a middle school style intro you're wondering?  A Q&A survey of course. We'll probably leave out our favorite boy band though, sorry to disappoint.

I truly believe this will improve the blog greatly, so I hope those of you who have been so wonderful to follow me thus far, will stick around, because it's about to get even better.

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