Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Repurpose. Recycle. Upcycle.

Call it what you will, but I can't get enough of it.

I bought this guy yesterday. Did I know what it was? No.
Did I know what I was going to do with it? No.
Did I convinence myself I needed it anyway? Obviously, yes.


I decided it's "supposed" to be a table.

I painted a piece of wood I had left over from another project and attached it.
OK, my brother attached the top not me, but I'm definitely the brains of the operation.
See the shelves in this cabinet?
That's where the scrap wood came from. Again, I'm the brains behind the shelves and my brother is the labor. I painted the back aqua and wrapped the shelves in burlap fabric.
$110 at the flea
On another note, I got some more shutters,
sooo if you want one of these:
Or this..

They are available again.
I'll be listing them on or you can email for a custom design.



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