Saturday, December 15, 2012

RePurposed Wood Crate

There are so many uses for wooden crates, and they are pretty easy to come by (you can even buy them new at crafts stores)
This one I picked up at a Yard Sale in the Fall, and since I have all the crates I need right now, I gave it a little make over for someone else to use.
I started by painting the crate "whitecap grey" by pantone. I like how thick this paint is, making for less coats and a less messy application
obviously I have no endorsement to be saying that, since my blog currently has 4 followers ;)


I then distressed it by sanding the edges with a low grit sand paper. It was tempting to just take the power sander to it, but the sides didn't seem strong enough for that.

I then decided to add a large chalkboard label to the end. For a project like this, I like to use a peel and stick chalkboard (purchased from Michael's) though chalkboard paint would have worked too.

Next I added 4 casters to the bottom. I had these on hand (I can't remember why though) but they can be purchased at any hardware or home improvement store.

 And that's it. This crate can be used for blankets, fire wood, books, towels, dog toys ect
My intital thought was for toys though
 That's the beauty of adding the chalkboard label, you can use it for different things as often as you like

*This post was written yesterday, but the events of the day made it feel way too insignificant to publish. There are no words for the tragic events that took place. All I can do is pray for the victims, their families, friends and our the future of our country.


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