Monday, June 24, 2013


I just got back from a little vacation to visit my family in New York. Sorry I've been MIA but it was a surprise for my mom, so I couldn't risk sharing it on here :)

It was nice to see my family and my best friend Shannon who I miss so much already! The best part was traveling with my daughter though. She said "you're not going to work the WHOLE time, that's AWESOME!"

My parents still live in the house I was born in, so watching my daughter play there with her cousins is pretty great, and of course it makes me miss Summer as a kid.

As soon as we got back I went on a search for furniture. 

So far I've painted this little nightstand that I found.

It's narrow, making it great for small spaces (like this corner in my Dining Room)

 You can also see the cute, ceramic plate hanging on the wall that I picked up at Good Will too :)


 And that was my attempt at getting a full shot of the nightstand. This is also my official Kitchen "sneak peak."

The nightstand is for sale for only $49 if you're in the Atlanta area!

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