Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Living Room 2013

Clearly my Living Room is my favorite room to share. 
So here is the 2013 Christmas time addition. 

New for this year are my pretty, soft, white stockings. $7.99 each at Marshalls.
Also the buffalo head I got a couple months ago from another dealer at A Classy Flea.

I love fresh flowers, so I was all about purchasing this pretty white poinsetta to benefit a friend's daughters 4H group.
A silver ice bucket I had on hand makes a perfect "flower pot"

 My faux ikea sheep skin found a new home across my coffee table for the season.

And the most exciting change is my mirrored dresser!! I just found it at GW.
It was black and screamed 1980s. My brother told me I just needed a panther statue to go with it HA!
 All it took was some white paint to make it an amazing TV console. 
If you are familiar with my blog, the gray dresser that was there has already sold the day I brought it a A Classy Flea.
So thankful for that!

I'll have to stock up on Windex ;)

I refinished this stool a while back and the Santa pillow I made 2 years ago.

I'm really happy with the progress this Room has made.
Here it is in the MLS listing nearly 3yrs ago.


There are just three things left for me to feel like this room is complete.
You can call it my Christmas list.

1. An Area Rug - likely Jute

2. A New Couch - Casabella has some great ones!!

In a different color this one would be my favorite.. come on people I have dogs and a 4yr old

This might make me want to re-design the whole room to make the color work, probably not a good idea :)

Safest option?

3. A new Ceiling Light Fixture
Really don't know what I want for this one..

 I really like this one from by Ralph Lauren via Happyroost

maybe something like this by Phillips

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