Friday, May 24, 2013

Girls Room Ideas

Apparently I don't like to complete one project before moving on to the next, so here is what is going on in my head right now.

Re-doing my daughters room. Not just re-doing it, but switching it out with another room in my house completely.

Here is what I am thinking for the color scheme (and fyi she approves)
Gray and Pink.

She says she wants a princess room.. she's 4, go figure. And since I lean more towards eclectic, modern and bold prints, I'm going to try very hard to not make it what I want.

It can be glamerous and princess like, but more eclectic than the picture above (not sure the source, if anyone knows please share!)

Here's my TO DO list:

~Clear out what is currently the "play room"
~Paint walls light pink
~Find a dresser and paint it
~Hang lights
~Install chandelier
~Buy Rug
~Get some Toy organization
~Find and paint Nightstand (s?)
~Hang Mirror and other wall decor
~Find new play table and chairs
~Get new curtains

I've made a ton of progress on clearing out the play room, and the other day I found (and refinished) a dresser that will work great.

Here it is BEFORE


The drawers are very narrow so I think it would have been a hard sell if it wasn't intended for a child.

I'm happy with how it came out. And it has become a necessity since her current dresser is literally falling apart (it's from when she was born and was purchased from babies r us = not real wood, just served its purpose for the time being.)

The fun thing is, what is currently her bedroom will become my office. So many ideas, so many things I need, so little money to spend.


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  1. I love painted furniture! What a gorgeous room this is going to be! Thanks for sharing at Give Me the Goods Link Party! Can't wait to read all about the room!
    Amy @
