Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Living Room Progress

Yesterday, I previewed the progress I've made on my Living Room.

To be honest, the progress is happening slowly. Mostly because I  have no money to put into it. So I wait for deals and the perfect finds, and it's coming along.

Here is the MLS listing "BEFORE"

I kind of wish the previous home owner left one (or both) of the couches.

Here it is a month after we bought it (2011)


And here it is today: (re-painted, new floors and new furniture and decor)

That's Lola on the couch. 

And to be fair, here is Kingston.

Still on my list to complete this Room:

~Small area rug (something with yellow maybe?)

~New ceiling light. I really want a chandelier, but I live in the South and don't like to run the air much, so a ceiling fan is pretty important.

~Book shelf to go on the right of the fire place

~Small side table to go next to one of the chairs

I'll post more about individual pieces like the gallery wall.
I've already posted about the "tv cabinet," the tray on the coffee table and the fireplace screen


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  1. Such a pretty cozy space!! I love your amazing coffee table!
    Krista @thehappyhousie

  2. Love this room!!! What an amazing transformation and now it is such a fun and personal space! So inspiring!
    Amy @
    Give Me the Goods Monday Link Party
