Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Chair Make-Over Part II

Yesterday I showed you this chair

And mentioned I had a second one.

Well here is what I did with it

In case you missed it, here is the before


I could make this chair work in almost any room of my house.. but I will resist, it's for sale.


I'm working on 6 chairs for a client that I'm really excited about. Here is the BEFORE

It's hard to tell in the picture, but these chairs are desperate for new fabric, and as much as I love fun colors, the green won't work with her decor. The client's picking the fabric, so they'll be completed some time next week.


***Update: both chairs have sold - thank you

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  1. HOLY COW! What an amazing transformation! I don't think I would have had the vision for that monster! They are so beautiful now! Love the colors and patterns so much!
